Online reviews can have a variety of effects on your business. They can help you reach new customers, build your brand, and boost your SEO rankings. But the way you handle them might also affect the kind of review your receive. 

If you’re looking to cultivate trust with customers and grow your business, you want to make sure that online reviews are a positive experience for everyone involved. But how do you know if what you’re doing is right? Following these simple tips can go a long way towards helping you gain the trust of potential customers while simultaneously growing your business.

Make Your Site and Emails Easy to Understand

You might have heard that you should never write a review on a website that you haven’t created. Although this rule can make sense in the offline world, it can be a real problem in the online world. By creating the content for your site yourself, you ensure that it is easy to understand and doesn’t come across as misleading or inadequate in any way. 

By also using subjective words and phrases, such as “the best” and “if you could only buy one product,” you don’t have the opportunity to receive a 1-star review. As a result, your customers can feel a lot more positive towards you when they’re reading reviews on your site and social media channels.

Create a Culture of Transparency

Failing to disclose important facts about your business can turn off potential customers, who may walk away from a site with inaccurate or incomplete information. You can avoid this by creating a culture of transparency where all your team members are transparent about their roles and the process of how reviews are handled. 

You can’t be 100% transparent all the time, of course, but at a minimum, make it a policy to disclose as much information as possible when someone is reviewing your products or services.

Offer Great Customer Service

Customers expect excellent customer service, and that includes having answers to their questions and being able to help with any problems they’re having. On the surface, this may not seem like a big deal, but studies have proven that 1 out of 10 customers will leave a business after just 1 interaction. 

If you don’t have a plan in place to make the customer experience enjoyable, you might be losing potential customers. By following some simple guidelines, you can create a customer service reputation that will last a lifetime.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Online Reviews

online reviews for businesses

Sometimes you might be apprehensive about asking for customer reviews. After all, you might worry that they’ll be critical of you or your brand in some way. But it’s important to remember that 1 out of 10 customers will leave a business after just 1 interaction, so what you do next could make a big difference. 

If you’re unsure how to start the conversation, you can always reach out to your customers on social media or email. By letting your customers know that you want to use their feedback to help you grow, you can open up the possibility of a positive review. 

When you request reviews, be sure to follow these steps: 

  • Be clear about what you want from the review. 
  • Be open and upfront about how you want the review done. 
  • Follow up with the customer after the review to make sure they had a great experience. 
  • Be prompt with your reviews.

Be Quick To Respond To Negative Reviews

Given the fact that 1 out of 10 customers will leave a business after just 1 interaction, you have to make sure that those who do stay with you for longer periods of time. If you have a 1-star review on Yelp that someone has left for you, don’t react too quickly. 

Take some time to consider what you might have done wrong, and then try correcting the following steps: 

  • Check your grammar and spelling.
  • Consider what aspects of the review you’d like to change. 
  • Ask the customer what they’d change about their experience. 
  • Offer an option for the review to remain anonymous if the customer would prefer.

Be Clear About The Criteria For Each Review

Customers have many different expectations when it comes to their reviews, and you want to make sure that you clearly distinguish between positive and negative reviews. 

If a customer gives you a 1-star review, you don’t always want to know what they didn’t like about your business. By taking the time to write out the criteria for each review, you allow potential customers to give you honest feedback without worrying about what other issues they might have.


Online reviews are a wonderful thing. Not only do they give you a great opportunity to let your customers know how you feature in a positive light, but they can also be a great way to boost your business. By following these tips, you can effectively use online reviews to maximize the benefits they provide and minimize the risks involved with online communication.

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